We offer the following mediation services for the gaming and other industry:

Unresolved dispute resolution (UDR) processes concerning the gaming and other industries in South Africa. It is a way of eliminating disputes that involve court trials as well as settling disputes out of court.

UDR procedures (intervention or mediation) empower gambling companies and players, administrators and customers to decide a dispute during or prior to trial. UDR make conflict resolution easier for operators and customers, which allows them to use the services of an independent party. Also, UDR can help keep costs down significantly and can decrease the waiting period for all involved counterparts.

With our panel of experts who are empowered though their experience in mediation and the South African gaming industry and other industries, we are able to offer independent mediation services.

Our Unresolved Dispute Resolution (UDR) processes (intervention or mediation) is a solution to facilitate conflict resolution.  This enables  parties to resolve a dispute before having to go through the legal process and incur unnecessary costs.

We all know that having your day in court is costly and can take anything from 3 months to 5 years or more.  It is also far more beneficial to have a subject matter expert resolve a case as opposed to an uninformed prosecutor.

Our process aims to:

  • Resolve issues within a a reasonable period
  • Inform all parties about every stage of the complaint process
  • Take full account of the relevant information provided and ensure that all the parties have had a fair opportunity to make their case and that there has been no bias

After mediation and should the matter go to court we would go into:

  • Case Management meeting/s in order to determine readiness for the trial
  • Anticipated costs will be determined
  • Witness statements will be taken and any other evidence for the court
  • A pre-compliance checklist will be done

Each parties legal advisors will then be contacted and given all relevant notes, documentation and the outcome of mediation

All this saves time and money for the parties!